十大网赌平台 is committed to being a military-friendly campus. Our helpful staff is willing to assist you with all of your academic needs.
In accordance with the Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding:
1. 十大网赌平台 is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
2. Individual academic program accreditations are available on our 认证页面.
3. NHCC is approved for 退伍军人事务部 好处.
4. NHCC is approved for Federal student aid programs through the Department of Education.
NHCC prohibits the payment of any commission, 奖金, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including TA funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, 招生活动, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance.
NHCC prohibits high-pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), 包括电话联系, 电子邮件, 或面对面, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing Service member enrollments in non-credit courses/programs.
Students are never automatically enrolled in courses at NHCC. Students will register themselves for any courses. When a restriction prevents a student from registering themselves for a course, a student will only be manually added if they have provided signed, 需要添加的书面授权.
你也可以发邮件 Anong托尔, or veterans@nineoceansmedia.com 的问题.
Service members should speak with their respective Service Educational Services Officers (ESO) or counselors within their Military Service prior to applying and enrolling at 十大网赌平台. We certify enrollment for the GI Bill and offer assistance with:
- mgb - ad -第30章
- Vocational Rehabilitation/Veteran Readiness and Employment - Chapter 31
- 9/11后——第33章
- Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program– Chapter 35
- MGIB-SR - 1606章
- 明尼苏达州退伍军人法案
- 联邦学费报销
* GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of 退伍军人事务部 (VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站 http://www.benefits.va.Administration / gibill.
All veterans or active-duty military members can apply to NHCC for free. Just make sure to show our admissions office your active ID or DD214 when applying. 如需帮助,请参考我们的 退伍军人成功入门指南 to ensure you complete each step of the admissions process and find success at NHCC.
请注意: No reimbursements can be issued if you pay the application fee before providing documentation of military service.
Students awaiting GI 好处 under Chapters 30, 33, 1606, 1607, 31 or 35 will have their tuition automatically deferred, while they are waiting for GI Bill payments. Tuition will be deferred when a benefit request form is submitted to the VA by the certifying official. Deferring tuition will hold your courses without having to set up a payment plan.
- You are responsible to drop your course(s) if you do not plan on attending.
- Tuition for the semester must be paid in full by the payment plan due date. 看到 付款方式 截止日期.
* GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of 退伍军人事务部 (VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站 http://www.benefits.va.Administration / gibill.
Your military training may be considered for college credit. It is a good idea to submit your military transcript(s) for evaluation as soon as possible. Request and submit military transcripts from:
- 军队
- 海岸警卫队
- 海军或海军陆战队
- 空军
After NHCC receives your official transcripts, the transfer specialist will review your military training based upon the American Council of Education standards for 军事计划. The College will provide you a copy of your Degree Audit Report (DARS) indicating what was accepted in transfer.
位于校园中心, the 退伍军人资源中心 (VRC) provides a space for our veterans to study and relax. The space includes computers, meeting space, and veteran affairs benefit information.
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (丹尼斯)
- Transferology -寻找转移等效性
- 我的军事教育 - Minnesota 退伍军人事务部 education support
Educational assistance programs are available to veterans and active service members. Eligibility is determined by factors such as your relationship to the veteran or the type and length of the veteran’s military service, as well as the monetary contribution during the time of service.
- 支付率 for Chapters 30, 1606, 1607 and 35
Application for Education Benefits
- 弗吉尼亚州:好处
- 退伍军人法案
- MAC-V:住房
- 感谢军队:格兰特
- HealthCare for OEF/OIF - Donna Paal, Family Advocate: 唐娜.Paal@va.政府
Military and Veteran Services Coordinator, School Certifying Official
星期四8点.m. 到中午在VRC
Any questions about the application, registration, or 好处 process? We are glad to help you as you take the next step on your journey.
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